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1from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory, tag 

2from django.urls import reverse 

3from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser 

4from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder 

5import json 

6from policorp.models import Availability, Location, Task, Booking 

7from policorp.views import * 

8from policorp.tests import aux 

9from datetime import datetime, timezone, time, timedelta 



12class TestCreateAvailabilityViews(TestCase): 


14 fixtures = ['testsdata.json'] 


16 task1 = {'id': 1, 'name': 'Device Installation', 'duration': 120} 

17 task2 = {'id': 2, 'name': 'Repair', 'duration': 60} 


19 def setUp(self): 

20 # Every test needs access to the request factory. 

21 self.factory = RequestFactory() 


23 @tag('createavailabilities') 

24 def test_view_createavailabilities_only_post_allowed(self): 

25 """ GIVEN ; WHEN GET /policorp/createavailabilities; THEN code 400 should be returned """ 

26 request = self.factory.get(reverse('policorp:createavailabilities')) 

27 response = createavailabilities(request) 

28 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) 


30 @tag('createavailabilities') 

31 def test_view_createavailabilities_only_logged_in_requests_allowed(self): 

32 """ GIVEN ; WHEN POST /policorp/createavailabilities logged out; THEN code 401 (unauthorized) should be returned """ 

33 request = self.factory.post(reverse('policorp:createavailabilities')) 

34 request.user = AnonymousUser() 

35 response = createavailabilities(request) 

36 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401) 


38 @tag('createavailabilities') 

39 def test_view_createavailabilities_only_logged_in_supervisor_requests_allowed(self): 

40 """ GIVEN ; WHEN POST /policorp/createavailabilities logged in with non supervisor user; THEN code 401 (unauthorized) should be returned """ 

41 request = self.factory.post(reverse('policorp:createavailabilities')) 

42 request.user = aux.createUser('foo', 'foo@example.com', 'example') 

43 response = createavailabilities(request) 

44 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401) 


46 @tag('createavailabilities') 

47 def test_view_createavailabilities_returns_201_and_created_2_availabilities(self): 

48 """ GIVEN ; WHEN POST /policorp/createavailabilities with json content (location 1; task 1; (today + 1) at 14:00 utc time) + (location 1; task 1; (today + 1) at 16:00 utc time); THEN code 201 should be returned """ 

49 user = User.objects.create_supervisor('foo', 'foo@example.com', 'example') 

50 location = Location.objects.get(pk=1).assign_supervisor(user) 

51 tomorrow = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(days=2) 

52 time1 = time(hour=14, tzinfo=timezone.utc) 

53 time2 = time(hour=16, tzinfo=timezone.utc) 

54 body = [ 

55 { 

56 "locationid": 1, 

57 "taskid": 1, 

58 "when": datetime.combine(tomorrow, time1) 

59 }, 

60 { 

61 "locationid": 1, 

62 "taskid": 1, 

63 "when": datetime.combine(tomorrow, time2) 

64 } 

65 ] 

66 request = self.factory.post( reverse('policorp:createavailabilities'), 

67 data=json.dumps(body, cls=aux.DateTimeEncoder), 

68 content_type='application/json') 

69 request.user = user 

70 response = createavailabilities(request) 

71 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201) 

72 expected_json = [ 

73 Availability.objects.all().order_by("-id")[1].json(), 

74 Availability.objects.all().order_by("-id")[0].json() 

75 ] 

76 self.assertJSONEqual(str(response.content, encoding='utf8'), expected_json) 


78 @tag('createavailabilities') 

79 def test_view_createavailabilities_returns_201_when_not_supervising_1_location(self): 

80 """ GIVEN ; WHEN POST /policorp/createavailabilities with json content (location 1; task 1; (today + 1) at 14:00 utc time) + (location 2; task 1; (today + 1) at 16:00 utc time), not supervising location 2; THEN code 401 should be returned """ 

81 user = User.objects.create_supervisor('foo', 'foo@example.com', 'example') 

82 location = Location.objects.get(pk=1).assign_supervisor(user) 

83 tomorrow = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(days=2) 

84 time1 = time(hour=14, tzinfo=timezone.utc) 

85 time2 = time(hour=16, tzinfo=timezone.utc) 

86 body = [ 

87 { 

88 "locationid": 1, 

89 "taskid": 1, 

90 "when": datetime.combine(tomorrow, time1) 

91 }, 

92 { 

93 "locationid": 2, 

94 "taskid": 1, 

95 "when": datetime.combine(tomorrow, time2) 

96 } 

97 ] 

98 request = self.factory.post( reverse('policorp:createavailabilities'), 

99 data=json.dumps(body, cls=aux.DateTimeEncoder), 

100 content_type='application/json') 

101 request.user = user 

102 response = createavailabilities(request) 

103 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201) 

104 expected_json = [ 

105 Availability.objects.all().order_by("-id")[0].json(), 

106 { 

107 "locationid": 2, 

108 "taskid": 1, 

109 "when": datetime.combine(tomorrow, time2), 

110 "error": "Unauthorized" 

111 } 

112 ] 

113 self.assertJSONEqual(str(response.content, encoding='utf8'), json.dumps(expected_json, cls=aux.DateTimeEncoder)) 


115if __name__ == "__main__": 

116 unittest.main()